Hello Dear People! This weblog is to keep contact with you my friends during the time that I stay for one more time abroad. After 2,5 years of Holland, I stay in Spain in Valencia!!!!! Yessss!!!!! I will stay here 5 months (Feb-June05). Welcome and feel free to look around!!!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Exams.... I passed them ALL!!!!! For those of you who are convincied that Valencia is only beach and parties, here is the list of subjects I followed and exams I made: Spanish - 6.6 , Spanish (private school)-9,2 , German - 8,0 , English - 9,0 , International Marketing - 8,2 , Marketing Strategy - 5,0 , Market Research - 6 or 7 (don't remember now) , Management of Human Resources - 6-7. Posted by Picasa


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