Hello Dear People! This weblog is to keep contact with you my friends during the time that I stay for one more time abroad. After 2,5 years of Holland, I stay in Spain in Valencia!!!!! Yessss!!!!! I will stay here 5 months (Feb-June05). Welcome and feel free to look around!!!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

All the dearest friends, dear Ellen, Eric, Chantal, Sam, Nina, Ben, Fillipe, it is deep in the night just after our last party all together, I am quite drunk, but I feel like saying it to you all. You became a special part of my life, I really really hope our friendship will last for many more years. And I really believe it's possible. I don't want to think in the day of tomorrow, when all of you will be gone. Valencia will never be the same without you. And I know life goes on, and I know the new friends will probably come in your lifes and in mine, but for now, I need to tell you that you have been special. I think that will be the time you will not forget, as well as I will not forget it. Furthermore, you will stay special even in the future, even through the distance and time. I love you all. Katherina


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