SANGRIA!!! I love it, as you can see. Sangria is a traditional Spanish drink with a light fruity taste.
Sangria recepie:
1 orange, thinly sliced, 1 lemon, thinly sliced, 1/4 cup superfine sugar, 1/2 gallon red Burgundy, 1/2 cup orange-flavored liqueur, 2 bay leaves, 1/2 cup brandy, 1 quart club soda, Combine and marinate overnight the orange, lemon, sugar, red wine, liqueur and bay leaves. Add the brandy. Just before serving, add club soda and some ice. IT”S DONE NOW! TRY IT!!!!

Well, this is a kind of british way to make sangria... We do not use Brandy to make sangria and neither an orange liquor. But it's fine.
Instead of this you can use martini and the most important thing is to use natural fruits and to leave it some time.
But it's goed
8:51 AM
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