Hello Dear People! This weblog is to keep contact with you my friends during the time that I stay for one more time abroad. After 2,5 years of Holland, I stay in Spain in Valencia!!!!! Yessss!!!!! I will stay here 5 months (Feb-June05). Welcome and feel free to look around!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Day 1
First impressions about Granada

Entering to Granada it was 30C and we could see the mountains under snow at the same time.

Narrow streets of Granada, friendly relaxed people, Arabian small shops in the area of Alhambra. La Alhambra appeared to be much much bigger then I could expect. Untill now we saw only the outside part. But it is not a castle, it is a big establishment of castles and towers on the mountain. Tomorrow we go to see it inside.

Also the small Plazas at the end of almost every street. Small restaurants and pubs placed in the small streets where you do not expect them.

And the Arabian chicken Kebab. Hmmm the tastest one I tried here in Spain. Inside we were sitting on the low Arabian chairs. It was very cosy.

I tried to buy a pair of typical Arabian shoes on the market. I asked for a smaller price and started to talk to the seller. I didn’t receive much smaller price, but I received from him a map and an invitation to the pub. It was a friendly guy. I will keep talking to receive the precious Arabian shoes for a smaller price.. hehe

In the end we didn’t go out, because everybody was tired. We go out tomorrow.

And tomorrow La Alhambra. I am very very curious to see there. Granada seams very antic and special with its narrow streets, mountains around, nice Plazas and flowers up on the top of street lamps.

So, till tomorrow Granada!
 Posted by Hello


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