Hello Dear People! This weblog is to keep contact with you my friends during the time that I stay for one more time abroad. After 2,5 years of Holland, I stay in Spain in Valencia!!!!! Yessss!!!!! I will stay here 5 months (Feb-June05). Welcome and feel free to look around!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

not important

this mail is just so that they do not close my blogspot... If I donĀ“t edit things, they would close it...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

NEW BLOG: http://deepinspain.blogspot.com

Hi all dear visitors! Now, when suddenly so many things have happened and so many trips are made, this poor blogspot is exploding of photos and that is why I just made a new one! You are very welcome to visit http://deepinspain.blogspot.com . See you there!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Heen vlucht
vertrek Alicante om 10:25 - uuraankomst in Amsterdam om 13:00 uur
Terug vlucht
25-07-2005, vertrek Amsterdam om 12:40 uuraankomst in Alicante om 15:15 uur

Monday, July 11, 2005

Good bye Altea! Posted by Picasa

yehooooo!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa